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    2025年03月26日 15:20



性别: 男

民族: 汉

学位: 博士



主要研究方向: 土壤碳氮循环及环境效应




2019.9-2023.6 海南大学 作物栽培学与耕作学   博士

2015.9-2018.6   云南农业大学 植物营养学    硕士

2011.9-2015.6   山东农业大学 农业资源与环境   学士


2024.06-至今 海南大学,讲师




1. Zhu Q.L., Liu J., Liu L.J., Khaled A. E., Uwiragiye Y., Dan X.Q., Tang S.R., Wu Y.Z., Zhu T.B., Meng L., Zhang J.B., Müller C., Elrys A. S., 2024. Fire Reduces Soil Nitrate Retention While Increasing Soil Nitrogen Production and Loss Globally. Environmental science & technology, 58(52), 23004-23017.

2. Zhu Q.L., Liu L.J., Liu J., Wan Y.X., Yang R.Y., Mou J.X., He Q.X., Tang S.R., Dan X.Q., Wu Y.Z., Zhu T.B., Meng L., Elrys A. S., Müller C., Zhang J.B., 2024. Land use change from natural tropical forests to managed ecosystems reduces gross nitrogen production rates and increases the soil microbial nitrogen limitation. Environmental Science & Technology, 58(6), 2786-2797.

3. Zhu, Q.L., Elrys, A. S., Liu, L.J., Wan, Y., Yang, R., Mou, J., ... Meng L., Zhang J.B., Müller, C., 2023. Converting acidic forests to managed plantations reduces soil nitrogen loss by inhibiting autotrophic nitrification while inducing nitrate immobilization in the tropics. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1-13.

4. Zhu, Q.L., Liu, L.J., Wang, C., Wan, Y., Yang, R., Mou, J., ... Meng L., Zhang J.B., Elrys, A. S., 2023. Carbon and nitrogen fractions control soil N2O emissions and related functional genes under land-use change in the tropics. Environmental Pollution, 335, 122370.

5. Zhu, Q.L., Liu, L.J., Li, K., Wen, C., Li, M., Fan, C., ... Meng L., Müller C., Zhang, J., 2022. Decrease in soil inorganic nitrogen supply capacity under long‐term areca nut plantations in the tropics. Land Degradation & Development, 33(18), 3926-3937.

6. Liu, L.J., Zhu, Q.L., Wan Y.X., Yang R.Y., Mou J.X., Li Y.H., Meng L., Zhu T.B., Elrys, A. S., 2024. Afforestation improves soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks mainly through increasing> 2 mm aggregate fractions and stimulating carbon and nitrogen transformations within aggregates in subtropical karst region. Catena, 243, 108220.

7. Liu, L.J., Zhu, Q.L., Yang, L., Elrys, A. S., Sun, J., Ni, K., ... & Müller, C., 2024. Afforestation increases soil inorganic N supply capacity and lowers plant N limitation in subtropical karst areas. Geoderma, 443, 116848.

8. Liu, L.J., Zhu, Q.L., Wen, D., Yang, L., Ni, K., Xu, X., ... & Müller, C., 2024. Stimulation of organic N mineralization by N‒acquiring enzyme activity alleviates soil microbial N limitation following afforestation in subtropical karst areas. Plant and Soil, 504(1), 879-894.

9. Elrys, A. S., Zhu Q.L., ... Meng L., Müller C., Zhang J.B., 2023. A global synthesis of soil nitrogen cycling of tropical forests: latitudinal patterns and nitrogen enrichment effects. Global Change Biology, 29(7): 1905-1921.

10. Elrys, A. S., Wang, J., Meng, L., Zhu, Q.L., El-Sawy, M. M., Chen, Z., ... Cheng, Y., 2023. Integrative knowledge-based nitrogen management practices can provide positive effects on ecosystem nitrogen retention. Nature Food, 4(12), 1075-1089.

11. Elrys, A. S., Desoky, E. S. M., Zhu, Q.L., Liu, L., Yun-Xing, W., Wang, C., ... & Müller, C., 2024. Climate controls on nitrate dynamics and gross nitrogen cycling response to nitrogen deposition in global forest soils. Science of The Total Environment, 171006.

12. Liu, J., Li, X., Zhu, Q.L., Zhou, J., Shi, L., Lu, W., ... & Christie, P., 2024. Differences in the activities of six soil enzymes in response to cadmium contamination of paddy soils in high geological background areas. Environmental Pollution, 123704.

13. 朱启林, 索龙, 刘丽君, 张雪彬, 刘金霞, 孟磊. (2022). 裂解温度对海南不同材料生物炭理化特性的影响[J]. 热带作物学报, 2022, 43(1):216-223.

14. 朱启林, 刘丽君, 何秋香, 刘金霞, 曹明, 伍延正. (2022). 不同水分条件下海南红壤N2O排放对不同碳源添加的响应. 农业环境科学学报, (4), 041.

15. 朱启林, 刘丽君, 张雪彬, 伍延正, 汤水荣, 曹明. (2021). 生物炭和秸秆添加对海南热带水稻土氮素淋溶的影响. 水土保持学报, 35(4), 7.

16. 朱启林, 曹明, 张雪彬, 陶凯, 柯用春, 孟磊. (2021). 不同热解温度下禾本科植物生物炭理化特性分析[J]. 生物质化学工程, ,55(4).

17. 朱启林, 向蕊, 汤利, 龙光强. 间作对氮调控玉米光合速率和光合氮利用效率的影响[J]. 植物生态学报, 2018, 42(6):672-680.

18. 朱启林, 向蕊, 汤利, 龙光强. 间作条件下施氮量对马铃薯光合特性的调控作用[J]. 生态学杂志, 2018, 37(05):1391-1397.

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