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    2023年11月03日 09:29


















(1) 2023-08   至今:海南大学,南繁研究院,副教授

(2)   2020-092023-07:海南大学,热带作物学院,讲师/副教授

(3)   2018-072020-08:海南大学,热带作物学院,博士后,合作导师:罗杰

(4) 2017-072018-04:热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所,助理研究员


1、 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区项目,32160058,胡椒(Piper   nigrum L.)中胡椒碱的生物合成通路解析及其在烟草中的重构, 2022.01-2025.1235万元,在研,主持。

2、 海南省重点研发项目,ZDYF2023XDNY055,海南油茶(山柚)风味/品质分析及遗传地理标志的创建,   2023.2.15-2026.2.1576万,在研,参与。

3、 海南省自然科学基金委,海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目,利用航天诱变群体创造火龙果新的育种资源,   2022.01-2024.128万元,在研,主持。

4、 海南省人才发展局,博士后基金项目,DC2000004397,胡椒BAHD酰基转移酶在胡椒碱生物合成过程中的功能鉴定,2020.01-2021.128万元,结题,主持。

5、 海南省人才发展局,博士后基金项目,BSH-RST-2019002,整合转录组与代谢组解析蜻蜓凤梨乙烯催花的分子机制,2019.01-2020.125万元,结题,主持。

6、 国家自然科学基金地区项目,31960437,脱落酸(ABA)通过WD40调控棉花纤维伸长的机制研究,2020.01-2023.1240万,结题,参与。

7、 国家自然科学基金地区项目,31960063miR1872介导的OsOPCL1表观修饰调控茉莉素合成的机理及意义研究,2020.01-2023.1240万,结题,参与。


1. Lv, Y., J. Zhu, S. Huang, X. Xing, S. Zhou, H.   Yao, Z. Yang, L. Liu, S. Huang, Y. Miao, X. Liu, A. R. Fernie, Y. Ding#   and J. Luo# (2024). "Metabolome profiling and transcriptome   analysis filling the early crucial missing steps of piperine biosynthesis in   Piper nigrum L." Plant Journal. 117(1): 107-120. (IF= 7.091)

2. Ding, Y. #, W. Gao#,   Y. Qin#, X. Li, Z. Zhang, W. Lai, Y. Yang, K. Guo, P. Li,   S. Zhou and H. Hu#. "Single-cell RNA landscape of the special   fiber initiation process in Bombax ceiba." Plant Communications. 2023,100554. (IF=10.5)

3. Yang, Y., W. Lai, L. Long, W. Gao, F. Xu, P. Li,   S. Zhou, Y. Ding# and H. Hu# (2023).   "Comparative proteomic analysis identified proteins and the   phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway involved in the response to ABA   treatment in cotton fiber development." Scientific Reports. 13(1): 1488. (IF=4.6)

4. Yang, Z., Liu Z., Xu H., Chen Y., Du P., Li P., Lai W., Hu H.,   Luo J. and Ding Y. The chromosome-level   genome of miracle fruit (Synsepalum dulcificum) provides new insights   into the evolution and function of miraculin. Frontiers in Plant Science,   2022,12 (3061). (IF=5.754)

5. Ding, Y., Y. Mao, Y.   Cen, L. Hu, Y. Su, X. Ma, L. Long, H. Hu, C. Hao and J. Luo (2021).   "Small RNA sequencing reveals various microRNAs involved in piperine   biosynthesis in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)." BMC Genomics   22(1): 838. (IF= 3.969)

6. Ding Y, Zhang R,   Zhu L, Wang M, Ma Y, Yuan D, Liu N, Hu H, Min L, Zhang X: An   enhanced photosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolic capability contributes to   heterosis of the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrid ‘Huaza Mian H318’,   as revealed by genome-wide gene expression analysis. BMC Genomics 2021,   22(1):277. (IF=3.969)

7. 张耀元, 刘玲, 周秀娟, 房传营, 王守创, 丁元昊#, 罗杰#: 转录组和代谢组揭示独脚金内酯缺失影响水稻根和叶中的脂质和黄酮代谢. 热带生物学报 2020, 11(4):415.

8. Ding Y, Wang J, Lei M, Li Z, Jing Y, Hu H, Zhu S, Xu L: Small RNA   sequencing revealed various microRNAs involved in ethylene-triggered   flowering process in Aechmea fasciata. Scientific Reports 2020,   10(1):7348. (IF= 4.380)

9. Hu H, Wang H, Zhang Y, Kan B, Ding Y#, Huang J#:   Characterization of genes in guar gum biosynthesis based on quantitative   RNA-sequencing in guar bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba). Scientific   Reports 2019, 9(1):10991. (IF=4.380)

10. Ding Y, Ma Y, Liu N, Xu J, Hu Q, Li Y, Wu Y, Xie S, Zhu L, Min L et al:   microRNAs involved in auxin signalling modulate male sterility under   high-temperature stress in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Plant Journal   2017, 91(6):977-994. (IF= 6.486)

11. Ma Y, Min L, Wang J, Li Y, Wu Y, Hu Q, Ding Y,   Wang M, Liang Y, Gong Z et al: A combination of genome-wide and   transcriptome-wide association studies reveals genetic elements leading to   male sterility during high temperature stress in cotton. New Phytol 2021,   n/a(n/a). (IF=10.151)

12. Wu Y, Li Y, Li Y, Ma Y, Zhao Y, Wang C, Chi H,   Chen M, Ding Y, Guo X et al: Proteomic analysis reveals that sugar and   fatty acid metabolisms play a central role in sterility of the male-sterile   line 1355A of cotton. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019,   294(17):7057-7067. (IF= 5.486)

13. Ma Y, Min L, Wang M, Wang C, Zhao Y, Li Y, Fang   Q, Wu Y, Xie S, Ding Y et al: Disrupted genome methylation in response   to high temperature has distinct affects on microspore abortion and anther   indehiscence. The Plant Cell 2018, 30(7):1387-1403. (IF= 12.085)

14. Hu H, Wang M, Ding Y, Zhu S, Zhao G, Tu L,   Zhang X: Transcriptomic repertoires depict the initiation of lint and fuzz   fibres in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Biotechnol J 2018,   16(5):1002-1012. (IF= 13.263)




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