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    2025年03月10日 09:17








2004.9-2008.1    博士研究生    中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所

2001.9-2004.7    硕士研究生    中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所

1995.9-1999.7    本科          东北师范大学


2024.6 至今      海南大学  研究员

2019.6-2024.5    河北农业大学  研究员        

2015.1-2019.5    中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所  副研究员      

2011.5-2014.12   中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所  助理研究员    

2008.3-2011.4    荷兰Wageningen大学  博士后        



1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目32372733,大白菜早花突变体ef1候选基因鉴定及功能分析,2024/01-2027/12主持 (50万元)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目32172594,大白菜小株型突变体mini1的候选基因鉴定及功能分析,2022/01-2025/12主持 (59万元)

3. 中央引导地方科技发展资金项目,216Z2904G,大白菜叶球大小关键基因的鉴定与育种应用,2021/03-2023/6主持 (100万元)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目31871219LONG8及其互作蛋白LGIP1调控水稻籽粒大小的分子机理研究,2019/01-2022/12主持 (59万元)

5. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目31300242,拟南芥DA2基因调控种子和器官大小的分子机制,2014/01-2016/12主持 (23万元)

6. 留学回国人员科研启动基金,第46批,主持 (3万元)

7. 国家重点研发项目2016YFD0100500,主要农作物品质性状形成的分子基础,2016.1-2020.12任务负责人 (119万元)

8. 转基因重大专项2014ZX08009-003,高产性状关键基因克隆及功能验证,2016.1-2018.12任务负责人 (70.09万元)


1. Li, N.#, Yang, R.#, Shen, S., and Zhao, J. (2024) Molecular Mechanism of Flowering Time Regulation in Brassica rapa: Similarities and Differences with Arabidopsis. Horticultural Plant Journal, 10, 615-628

2. Li, N.#*, Chen, L.#, and Li, Y*. (2023) Control of grain size and number by MAPK signaling in rice. Seed Biology, 2:15

3. Wang, X.#, Chen, X.#, Luo, S.#, Ma, W.#, Li, N.#, Zhang, W., Tikunov, Y., Xuan, S., Zhao, J., Wang, Y., Zheng, G., Yu, P., Bai, Y., Bovy, A., Shen, S. (2022) Discovery of a dfr gene that controls anthocyanin accumulation in the spiny solanum group: Roles of a natural promoter variant and alternative splicing. Plant Journal, 111: 1096-1109

4. Karamat, U., Sun X., Li, N.* and Zhao J.* (2021). Genetic regulators of leaf size in Brassica crops. Horticulture Research, 8:91

5. Li, N.#, Xu, R.#, and Li, Y. (2019). "Molecular networks of seed size control in plants." Annual Review of Plant Biology, 70435-463

6. Xu, R.#, Li, N.#, Li, Y. (2019) Control of grain size by G-protein signaling in rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61(5):533-540

7. Li, N.#, Liu, Z.#, Wang, Z., Ru, L., Gonzalez, N., Baekelandt, A., Pauwels, L., Goossens, A., Xu, R., Zu, Z., Inze, D. and Li, Y. (2018). STERILE APETALA modulates the stability of a repressor protein complex to control organ size in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS Genetics 14, e1007218.

8. Li, N., Xu, R., Duan, P., and Li, Y. (2018). "Control of grain size in rice." Plant Reprod, 31(3), 237–251

9. Dong, H.#, Dumenil, J.#, Lu, F.H.#, Li, N.#, Vanhaeren, H., Naumann, C., Klecker, M., Prior, R., Smith, C., McKenzie, N., et al. (2017). Ubiquitylation activates a peptidase that promotes cleavage and destabilization of its activating E3 ligases and diverse growth regulatory proteins to limit cell proliferation in Arabidopsis. Genes & Development 31, 197-208.

10. Li, N., and Li, Y. (2016). Signaling pathways of seed size control in plants. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 33, 23-32.

11. Li, N., and Li, Y. (2015). Maternal control of seed size in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 66, 1087-1097.

12. Du, L.#, Li, N.#, Chen, L., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, Y., and Li, C. (2014). The ubiquitin receptor DA1 regulates seed and organ size by modulating the stability of the ubiquitin-specific protease UBP15/SOD2 in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 26, 665-677. (1区,IF=9.6)

13. Li, N., and Li, Y. (2014). Ubiquitin-mediated control of seed size in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 5, 332.

14. Xia, T.#, Li, N.#, Dumenil, J.#, Li, J., Kamenski, A., Bevan, M.W., Gao, F., and Li, Y. (2013). The Ubiquitin Receptor DA1 Interacts with the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase DA2 to Regulate Seed and Organ Size in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 25, 3347-3359. (1区,IF=9.2)

15. Smaczniak, C.#, Li, N.#, Boeren, S., America, T., van Dongen, W., Goerdayal, S.S., de Vries, S., Angenent, G.C., and Kaufmann, K. (2012). Proteomics-based identification of low-abundance signaling and regulatory protein complexes in native plant tissues. Nature Protocols 7: 2144-2158

16. Li, N.#, Yuan, L.#, Liu, N., Shi, D., Li, X., Tang, Z., Liu, J., Sundaresan, V., and Yang, W.C. (2009). SLOW WALKER2, a NOC1/MAK21 homologue, is essential for coordinated cell cycle progression during female gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 151: 1486-1497


1)ZL 2014 8 00 197. 9(中国),调节植物中的种子和器官大小的方法,李云海;夏天:李娜;杰克·杜梅尼尔;迈克尔,贝文,申请日期:2014-7-30,授权日2019-11-26

2)No 033454(Eurasian),METHODS OF MODULATING SEED AND ORGAN SIZE IN PLANTS,Li Yunhai, Xia Tian, Li Na, Dumenil Jack, Bevan Michael,申请日期2014-7-30,授权日期2019-10-31

3)US 10329577 B2(USA),Methods of modulating seed and organ size in plants,Yunhai Li, Tian Xia, Na Li, Jack Dumenil, Michael Bevan,申请日期2014-7-30,授权日期2019-6-25

4)No 119645(Ukraine),A method of increasing the yield of plants,Yunhai Li, Tian Xia, Na Li, Jack Dumenil, Michael Bevan,申请日期2016-8,授权日期2019-7-25





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