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    2025年03月04日 17:16



邮箱: lijing@jinglab.org




2007/1 - 2011/12,新加坡国立大学,生命科学,博士,导师:Frederic Berger

1999/9 - 2002/6,浙江大学,生物化学与分子生物学,硕士,导师:郭泽建

1993/9 - 1997/6, 浙江大学,生物科学与技术专业,本科




2021/2 - 至今,海南大学,热带作物学院,教授

2015/1 - 2021/1,华中农业大学,生命科学技术学院,教授

2014/6 - 2014/12,奥地利孟德尔研究所,Fred's Group,博士后

2012/3 - 2014/3,新加坡淡马锡生命科学实验室,Fred's Group,博士后

2002/6 - 2006/6, 浙江大学植物所,研究助理



Wang, Z., Chen, M., Yang, H., Hu, Z., Yu, Y., Xu, H., Yan, S., Yi, K., and Li, J. (2023). A simple and highly efficient strategy to induce both paternal and maternal haploids through temperature manipulation. Nat. Plants 9:699–705.

Yang, K., Tang, Y., Li, Y., Guo, W., Hu, Z., Wang, X., Berger, F., and Li, J. (2024). Two imprinted genes primed by DME in the central cell and activated by WRKY10 in the endosperm. J. Genet. Genomics Advance Access published April 2024, doi:10.1016/j.jgg.2024.04.003.

Xi, X., Hu, Z., Nie, X., Meng, M., Xu, H., and Li, J. (2021). Cross Inhibition of MPK10 and WRKY10 Participating in the Growth of Endosperm in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci. 12.

Yu, Y., Zhu, R., Xu, H., Enugutti, B., Schneitz, K., Wang, X., and Li, J. (2024). Twin embryos in arabidopsis thaliana KATANIN 1 mutants. Plants 13:1824.

Li, J. (2017). Endosperm Differentiation. In Encyclopedia of Applied Plant Sciences (Second Edition) (ed. Thomas, B.), Murray, B. G.), and Murphy, D. J.), pp. 497–503. Oxford: Academic Press.

Li, J., and Berger, F. (2012). Endosperm: food for humankind and fodder for scientific discoveries. New Phytol. 195:290–305.

Li, J. #(Co-1st), Zhu, S. #, Song, X., Shen, Y., Chen, H., Yu, J., Yi, K., Liu, Y., Karplus, V. J., Wu, P., et al. (2006). A Rice Glutamate Receptor–Like Gene Is Critical for the Division and Survival of Individual Cells in the Root Apical Meristem. Plant Cell 18:340–349.

Li, J., Nie, X., Tan, J. L. H., and Berger, F. (2013). Integration of epigenetic and genetic controls of seed size by cytokinin in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110:15479–15484.

Andreuzza, S#., Li, J. # (Co-1st), Guitton, A.-E., Faure, J.-E., Casanova, S., Park, J.-S., Choi, Y., Chen, Z., and Berger, F. (2010). DNA LIGASE I exerts a maternal effect on seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Development 137:73–81.

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