1. 海南省重大科技研究计划,热带花卉(三角梅、文心兰)优质高效生产技术研究与示范。子课题(文心兰)zdkj201815,2018.5-2021.5,主持;
2. 海南省重点科技研究计划,基于组织培养微嫁接技术的油梨优良品种快繁及示范推广(ZDYF2018060)2018.6-2020.2,主持;
3. 海南大学科研启动基金,油梨优良种质资源品种快速繁育推广关键技术研究,主持;
4. 农业部热作专项,油梨优良品种的试种与示范,2017.1-2018.12,主持。
Cai Q.Y., P. Ling and J.H. Liu. 2001. Asymmetrical PCR Amplification. United States Patent Application 20020155448. (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2002/0155448.html).
1. Shang-Qian Xie#, Yue Han#, Xiao-Zhou Chen, Tai-Yu Cao, Kai-Kai Ji, Jie Zhu, Peng Ling* , Chuan-Le Xiao*. ISOdb: A comprehensive database of full-length isoforms generated by Iso-Seq. 2018, International Journal of Genomics, Article ID 9207637
2. Meiling Zou, Zhiqiang Xia, Peng Ling, Yang Zhang, Xin Chen, Zusheng Wei, Weiping Bo, Wenquan Wang. 2011.Mining EST-Derived SSR Markers To Assess Genetic Diversity in Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz).Plant Molecular Biology Reporter.29:961-971.
3. Jude Grosser, Bill Castle, Fred Gmitter and Paul Ling. What’s new in sweet orange improvement? Citrus Industry July 2009.
4. Peng Ling, Meinan Wang, Xianming Chen and Kimberly Garland Campell. 2007. Construction and characterization of a full-length cDNA library for the wheat stripe rust pathogen (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici). BMC Genomics. 8:145.
5. Kwang-Hyun Beak, Daniel Z. Skinner, Peng Ling and Xianming Chen. 2006. Molecular Structure and Organization of the Wheat Genomic Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Gene. Genome. 49: 209-218
6. Peng Ling, Xianming Cheng. 2005. Construction of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bacterial artificial chromosome library for cloning genes for stripe rust resistance. Genome. (48) 1028-1036.
7. Chen, X., Wood, D.A., Penman, L., Ling, P. 2005. Epidemiology and Control of Wheat Stripe Rust in the United States, 2004. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 51: 240-242.
8. Chen, X., Ling, P., Wood, D.A., Moore, M.K., Pahalawatta, V. 2004. Epidemiology and Control of Wheat Stripe Rust in the United States, 2003. Wheat Newsletter. 50:274-277.
9. Chen, X., Wood, D.A., Ling, P., Pahalawatta, V., Yan, G.P., Penman, L. 2004. Control of Wheat and Barley Rusts: 2003 Progress Report. Highlights of Research Progress, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, 2004. Washington State University College of Agriculture and Home Economics. 04-2:12-13.
10. Chen, X., Wood, D.A., Moore, M.K., Ling, P., Pahalawatta, V. 2003. Epidemiology and Control of Wheat Rusts in the Western United States, 2002. Wheat Newsletter. 49:227-229.
11. Yu, C., S. Huang, Z. Deng, C. Chen, P. Ling, F.G. Gmitter Jr. 2002. Improving the efficiency of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and plant regeneration in citrus. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture 71:147-155.
12. Zhanao Deng, Shu Huang, Peng Ling, Changhe Yu, Quanzhou Tao, Chunxian Chen, Margie K. Wendell, Fred G. Gmitter jr. and Hongbin Zhang. 2001. Fine genetic mapping and BAC contig development for the citrus tristeza virus resistance gene locus in Poncirus trifoliate (Raf.). Mol. Genet Genomics 265: 739-747.
13. Zhanao Deng, Quanzhou Tao, Y.L. Chang, Shu Huang, Peng Ling,Changhe Yu, Chunxian Chen, Fred G. Gmitter jr. and Hongbin Zhang. 2001. Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosom (BAC) library for citrus and identification of BAC contigs containing resistance gene candidates. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (102)1177-1184.
14. Peng Ling, Fred G. Gmitter Jr., Larry W. Duncan and Shunyuan Xiao.2000.Inheritance of citrus nematode resistance and its linkage with molecular markers in citrus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (7)1010-1017.
15. Zhanao Deng, Shu Huang, Peng Ling, Chunxian Chen, Changhe Yu, C.A. Weber, G.A. Moore, F.G. Gmitter, Jr. 2000. Cloning and Characterization of NBS-LRR class resistance gene candidate sequences in citrus. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. (56)814-822.